Team Iriya

The Second Renaissance Is Now...


AR experience of a traditional sento that has been converted into a modern cafe and share office being fantastically taken back in time to its former glory.
We have submitted an AR applicaiton to this competition. Wish us luck! I won’t give away too much just yet but its involves time travel, sento, and mythical creatures having a great time…
A live stream webinar with 上田 慎一郎 (Shinichiro Ueda) Director of カメラを止めるな! (One Cut of the Dead) which was a sensational underground movie which grossed over $30,000,000 from a creation budget of just around $30,000!
A livestream event with Yoshida Tea Farm and our team’s very own Naoki discussing Japanese teas and demonstrating proper preparation and pouring. Naoki also shared his insights on coffee prepartaion and tips for enjoyment.